
Library access

Possono accedere gratuitamente alla biblioteca:

  • tutti i membri della comunità scolastica negli orari di apertura

L’accesso ai servizi e alle collezioni si fonda sulla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo delle Nazioni Unite e non è soggetto ad alcuna forma di censura ideologica, politica, religiosa o a pressioni commerciali.

Online catalogue

The Laurana-Baldi Library adheres to Biblio Marche Nord, the unified catalog of the libraries in the provinces of Ancona and Pesaro-Urbino belonging to the Marche Nord library system. The catalog allows you to find all the books and documents present, among others, also in the library of the Laurana-Baldi high school and is can be consulted free of charge from any Internet location.


Membership in the library is free and open, but is mandatory to access the services.Anyone can register by filling out the appropriate form. For minors, written authorization from a parent or person with parental responsibility is required.

(Registration Form)

Reading rooms

The physical spaces of the library are open, flexible and interactive spaces, suitable for both individual and group use for all ages, in which it is possible to work freely and functionally, with traditional and digital information resources. In fact, the library offers users two equipped rooms for a total of 30 reading stations and 2 fixed computer stations. The reading rooms, which can be accessed freely upon registration, must be booked at least two days in advance if they wish to be used by classes.


The loan of library materials is free, free and individual. You can borrow up to 5 documents. The duration of the loan is 30 days. All Library material is eligible for loan, with the exception of dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, rare books and valuable material at the discretion of the staff working in the Library. Loans can be extended for a further 15 days.


By going to the library, or writing to  it is possible to request assistance in carrying out bibliographic research, in locating documentary resources in catalogues, in orientation towards other libraries and other local information services.

Information literacy

The Laurana-Baldi Library offers assistance to users, both internal to the school and external, in terms of "Information literacy". That is, it helps anyone who requests it to develop the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, organize, use and communicate information. In fact, the library offers support in the broad and dynamic understanding of the cognitive context and information environment in which we find ourselves immersed today.

Document Delivery

It is possible to request the digital reproduction of documents belonging to both the library and other Italian libraries. Writing to it is therefore possible to request free scanning of some parts of volumes, contributions, magazine articles, images, according to the limits imposed by law.

IT services and digital reading

For internet browsing the library makes available to registered users n. 2 fixed computer stations (PC) and n. 6 mobile computer stations (tablets). Digital devices are for internal use.